Best Law of Attraction Books

The universe is a treasure house of unlimited love compassion and grace, it doesn’t know exclusion it only knows inclusion. It is only in inclusion does a person finds expansion and touches another life. The law of attraction is simply defined as like attracts like. By this law, the like energies draw towards each other. We often see when we listen to a happy song, our mind gets filled with the happy moments experienced in the past, which makes us happier. On the other hand, when we listen to a sad song we find ourselves feeling heavy with memories of hurt, suffering, and pain.

It all happens because of the law of attraction. Having said that, the law of attraction employs techniques that are backed by facts. To build the universe we want to live in, these techniques include positive self-talk, visualizing, and modifying our prejudices. If you’re spiritual, you might like reading spiritual books like the Bible, the Dhammapada, or the Bhagavad Gita, which all discuss how our ideas impact our physical well-being. These texts were followed by our forefathers; they are not products of the contemporary day.

We cannot conclude that something doesn’t exist simply because science cannot demonstrate it. There must be something if billions of people, including our ancestors, talk about it. Numerous studies and publications have demonstrated that our ideas have a direct influence on our bodies and daily lives. 

1) Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill

Every chapter of this book contains a reference to the money-making method that I have carefully studied over a long period of time and found to have generated fortunes for more than 500 extremely wealthy persons. This book includes the key, which has been tested in practice by tens of thousands of individuals from all walks of life. You will come across this secret at least once in every chapter if you are ready to apply it. I wish I could feel honored to share with you how you would know whether you are ready, but doing so would take away much of the value of making the discovery on your own. 

2) The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle:

You might be wondering how the Power of Now relates to the Law of Attraction, but the truth is that in order to create everything you desire, you must be cheerful and happy, and you must live in the now above all else. Eckhart Tolle wrote The Power Now. You should start with this book since it teaches you the fundamentals of the human mind.

This book is written in an easy-to-understand style. It helps us to live in the now and clarifies the ideas behind the pain body. This book contains the answers to many questions that we ask on a daily basis. You must leave your analytical mind and its false self, the self that you have made, in order to travel into The Power of Now.

3) The Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale:

The author describes how your inner state of attraction produces the outside outcomes; he maintains that using the attractor factor means being a magnet for everything you desire, including growing your business, falling in love, attracting more money, enhancing your health, or anything else. He gives a very thorough explanation of the law of attraction that leaves no room for speculation. However, the main focus of the book is positivity and consciousness, and the author is optimistic that if the reader pertains a good mindset to the five steps he lays out for him to follow, he will succeed in whatever he chooses. Some people found the “preaching” in the book conflicted with their own personal views. 

4) The New Earth by Eckhart Tolle:

This book discusses the ways in which ego stunts intellectual development. Here, ego has a profound significance. He talked about discovering your life’s purpose and makes the case that you must rise above ego-based mental states in order to resolve problems and experience greater satisfaction. According to Tolle, the ego causes personal dysfunction that results in resentment and envy.

In the book, he expresses the opinion that a shift in awareness is necessary for a satisfying living. Eckhart Tolle gives listeners a frank assessment of the situation of mankind today, building on the astounding popularity of The Power of Now. But there is good news, according to Tolle. There is a way out of this possibly dangerous circumstance.

5) The Secret by Rhonda Byrne:

The Secret, written by Rhonda Byrne, was widely acclaimed and praised when it was initially released more than 15 years ago. It describes how fragments of a “Great Secret” have long been discovered in a variety of historical teachings, religions, and philosophical systems. This book explains the “secret” and shows you how to apply it to all areas of your life, including money, health, relationships, and more.

It has been handed down through the years, is highly prized, and has been hidden, misplaced, taken, and purchased for enormous sums of money. Through the ages, remnants of this Great Secret have been discovered in literature, oral traditions, faiths, and ideologies. All the elements of The Secret are finally put together in an amazing revelation that will change everyone who experiences it.

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